07 juli 2013

Pretending to be an organized person, part two.

Anyone remember my post on organizing my patterns? This system seems to work for me! The box is nowhere near as neat as it was at first, but I find my patterns and they no longer get damaged.

Today, I took a long hard look at my fabric stash. I had two bins filled with the 'nicer' fabric, but since they are on top of my wardrobe it was too much of an effort to take things down and put them back, so I ended up with a massive pile of fabric on my bedroom floor. I also have a cupboard in the hall all to myself, but it was completely full and REALLY messy. I didn't take a before picture, but it was BAD.

So today I put on my protective gear, armed myself and tried to get some order in there.

It's a fly swatter and a wand. I'm bad at cleaning.
Basically, what I did was drag everything out of the cupboard,sort all the fabric and put it in a logical place. I thrw away two trashbags full of scraps and fabric that was too awful to ever work:

Now I understand why the cupboard was so full...
I've also made a sizeable pile to give away (first blogaversary coming up!) or possibly swap at our Belgian blogger meet! Then I put all of my fabric back into the cupboard, and even employed a system that will allow me to find things easily, without digging!

There are some junk fabrics, such as polyester lining stuff (urgh), fleece from costumes and a whopping six yards of fake fur I once got to make a wolf suit inspired by Where the Wild Things are. I have a shelf with 'neutral' things like solid fabrics, polka dots and the flannel I bought to make my boy a shirt (HAHA). There is a stack of small leftover pieces to be used as facings, pocket linings or other things. I also have a fancy shelf now, with silks and wools!

My favourite shelf has to be the one with the printed cottons, it just makes me so happy to see them all together! I also put all the cotton fabric I use for linings together, so I have an idea of how much I have and don't keep buying more because it disappears into the fabric void. There's a pile of small scraps that could still be useful, and a shelf for musling fabrics (aka sheets) and mysteries. Some of these mysteries are gifts, or things I got when I first started sewing. I have a load of that blue print flannel even though it's butt-ugly, it will probably serve as an interlining for my winter coat!

Phew, this was me being smug over doing something completely normal. I still have the two other bins with some coatings in them, but those can stay where they are for now. I don't tend to take them out to pet them all the time.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Looks good! I recently did a sort through of my fabric in preparation for moving house and it felt so satisfying to organise it all. I can see the fabric you got from the vintage shop - looking forward to seeing what you make with it!

  2. Sigh. I should be doing the same. Why is throwing scraps so difficult?
